viking ski club


November 7

Under sunny skies and cool temperatures, two teams set out to complete trail clearing on the remaining sections of trails. Team A tackled the Green trail from behind the club house to Chemin de Trois Lac. Team B checked out the Blue trail from Jackson Road south to the lake and then attempted to complete the Red through the Montfort Meadow. However, when attempting to access the Red trail via “La Tour” they encountered a group of hunters and were advised not to proceed. They didn’t. We will return in two weeks time after hunting season closes and complete this final section of the Red trail. Trail clearing is now officially completed. A small team will clean up the remaining work in two weeks time (November 21). THERE WILL BE NO TRAIL CLEARING NEXT WEEK, NOVEMBER 14.

A big thank you to the grand total of some 90 members who participated this year's Saturday trail clearing activities.......a job well done!

Thanks go to this Saturday's work team participants: Doug Bowes-Lyon, John Masse, Laurent Missbrey Gordon Cohen, Frank Philpott, Philip Harrison, Marie-Claire Skrutkouska, Derek Wills, Richard L’Heureux